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Geoenvironmental Engineering Webinars organized by University of Illinois Chicago


International Webinar Series on Geoenvironmental Engineering: Polluted Land, Waste Management & Sustainability/Resiliency organized by University of Illinois Chicago.

Weekly webinars on topics related to Geoenvironmental Engineering covering wide range of issues associated with land contamination, waste management, and sustainability and resiliency. All interested are welcome to attend. Highly recommended for MS/MTech/PhD students, post-docs, and young faculty in geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, and related fields.

The next webinar will be held by Prof. Gemmina Di Emidio on  August 13, 2021, 9 am (Chicago time). The title of his webinar is “Use of Polymerized Clays and Waste Materials for Various Geoenvironmental Application“.

On August 20, 2021, 9 a.m. (Chicago Time), Prof. Peter Cleall will deliver the webinar “Rubbish In Rubbish Out Landfill Content, Leachate Development and Future Repositories“.

On August 27, 2021, 9 a.m. (Chicago Time), Prof. Amit Srivastava will deliver the webinar “Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Solutions for Managing Natural Resources“.

To attend any or all of the above webinars, register (free) at: https://uic.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsc-uuqDoqG9Qi7iI-6p2sV9c8zi0XfaqH

Recordings of the past webinars can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/c/GeoenvironmentalEngineeringWebinars/videos



Geoenvironmental Engineering Webinars organized by University of Illinois Chicago

International Webinar Series (May-June 2021) on Geoenvironmental Engineering: Polluted Land, Waste Management & Sustainability/Resiliency organized by University of Illinois Chicago.

Weekly webinars on topics related to Geoenvironmental Engineering covering wide range of issues associated with land contamination, waste management, and sustainability and resiliency. All interested are welcome to attend. Highly recommended for MS/MTech/PhD students, post-docs, and young faculty in geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, and related fields.

The next webinar will be held by Professor Craig Benson on Thursday April 29, 2021, 10 am – 11 am (Chicago time). The title of his webinar is “Bentonite-Polymer Composite Geosynthetic Clay Liners for Containment of Highly Aggressive Leachates“.

To get the zoom link to join the webinar, please register (free) at:

You can find the recordings of the past webinars at:

Please see the attached brochure for the May-June schedule of webinars: Geoenvironmental Engineering Webinar Series-Brochure


Laloui’s Research Group Biogeotechnics Webinar (15 September 2020)

Laloui’s Research Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) invites you to the Biogeotechnics Webinar: 5 Little Known Keys For Successful Biogeotechnical Practice, with Prof. Lyesse LalouiDr Dimitrios Terzis, Maren Katterbach, and Dr Alexandra Clarà Saracho

This webinar will present an alternative approach to material design and delivery using natural organic systems present within the soil to precipitate carbonate minerals that act as soil-binding agents. Technical discoveries and developments of bio-cemented soils will be presented, with a particular focus on how this technology can be integrated into mainstream geotechnical practice. Through the following points, under the scope of the ERC-funded BIOGEOS project, this talk will highlight to researchers and practitioners alike, the opportunities of a technology that will shape the future of low carbon soil remediation and stabilization practices:

• Applications & performance of bio-cemented soils
• Breaking the nitrogen barrier in biotic calcification
• Economics & environmental impact
• Equipment & monitoring
• Industrial practice: guidelines for successful integration

Date: 15 September 2020
Time: 13:30 CET / 07h30 ET / 19h30 Beijing Time
Place: Zoom

5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields – September 9-11, 2021 Fukuoka, Japan

Il 5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields si terrà a Fukuoka (Giappone) nel settembre 2021. Promosso dalle Associazioni Internazionali ISRM e IAEG, segue l’analogo Workshop svolto ad Ischia nel settembre 2015.

On behalf of the Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics and the Japan Society of Engineering Geology, the Organizing Committe is pleased to hold “RMEGV2021: 5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields”.

The goals of this workshop are to promote the exchange of ideas and information among civil engineers and geologists regarding serious issues related to volcanic fields, and to find possible solutions to them, as well as to aid in the fusion of Civil Engineering and Geology in terms of applied volcanic science, including construction, environment, groundwater, disasters, and geothermal energy. Many resources can be found in the vicinity of volcanic fields, such as hydro-geothermal energy and groundwater. On the other hand, many natural disasters and other risks to infrastructure construction also exist due to the geoscientific and geotechnical features in these areas. Thus, civil engineers and engineering geologists strive to solve these problems based on the existing data on volcanic fields.

The themes of this workshop include volcanic geology, disasters and their mitigation, resources and energy in volcanic fields, mechanical behavior of volcanic rocks and soils, groundwater and environmental problems in volcanic fields, and geotechnical engineering in volcanic fields. It is our hope that many researchers/engineers involved in applied volcanic science will attend this workshop from all over the world, participate in deeply meaningful discussions, and create new global research connections.




Dottorato in Sicurezza, Rischio e Vulnerabilità – Università di Genova

Carissimi colleghi,

su richiesta del Prof. Riccardo Berardi e della Prof.ssa Serena Cattari, trasmettiamo il seguente messaggio.

L’Università di Genova ha attivato a partire da quest’anno un dottorato multidisciplinare in Sicurezza, Rischio e Vulnerabilità (https://sicurezza.unige.it/dottorato) di cui un inquadramento generale è fornito nell’annuncio allegato. Il programma è articolato in cinque Curricula di cui si segnala in particolare quello in “Risk and Resilience Engineering for the Natural, Industrialized and Built environments” (Coordinatore di Curriculum: Prof.ssa Serena Cattari, http://dottorato.dicca.unige.it/eng/rrenib/) di particolare interesse per il SSD ICAR/07. Si prega si segnalare l’annuncio alla più ampia platea di possibili interessati, anche stranieri.

AllegatoPhD program in Security, Risk and Vulnerability

Intensive Course on Energy Geostructures: Analysis and Design – 3rd Edition, EPFL, November 2020

The third edition of the 3-day intensive course for practitioners and scientists entitled “Energy geostructures: analysis and design” will be held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, from November 2 to 4, 2020. The short-course aims to provide attendees with a sound theoretical understanding of the problems addressed as well as with practical and effective tools to address the considered subjects.
By attending this training, you will: (i) develop your understanding of the behaviour and performance of energy geostructures, such as energy piles, energy barrettes, energy walls and energy tunnels; (ii) increase your knowledge about the energy, geotechnical and structural analysis of energy geostructures with practical application exercises, including analytical and numerical simulation exercises and (iii) learn how to design energy geostructures following current standards through appropriate procedures.

The course has been designed with civil engineers in mind, but targets energy engineers, architects, urban project managers and geologists as well.
The number of participants for this intensive course is limited. The available spots are being filled on a first come first served basis. More information about the course can be found on its dedicated website.

Winter School on Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment – 21-23 January 2020, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland

The 3rd edition of the Winter School on Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment will be held on January 21st -23rd 2020, in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland.

Geomechanics, Environment and Energy are increasingly related and contemporary themes. The goal of the school is to provide participants with a deep understanding on selected topics in Geomechanics which are fundamental for  applications related to Energy and the Environment. This Winter School is organized in the framework of the international journal Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment.

Lectures will be given by internationally renowned experts in the field:
Eduardo Alonso (UPC Barcelona)
Coarse Granular Materials: From Particle Behaviour to Large-Scale Structures
Tomasz Hueckel (Duke University)
Multiphysics Degradation Processes, and Their Mitigation in Energy Geomechanics
Russell Ewy (Chevron ETC)
Shale Properties as a Function of Geological Burial and Compaction
Lyesse Laloui (EPF Lausanne)
Multiphysical Processes in Bentonite-Based Materials
Alessio Ferrari (EPF Lausanne)
Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Geomaterials: Experiments and Modelling
Jean Sulem (ENPC ParisTech)
Strain Localization and Instability in Geomechanics: Application to Seismic Slip

Lectures will be given on site during the first part of the day and extended breaks will be provided to review the course material, to go skiing, or to enjoy the wonderful landscape of the Swiss Alps in Villars-sur-Ollon. Late-afternoon gatherings are foreseen for lectures. Evening sessions will be devoted to presentations from the participants to share ideas with the experts.

Prof. Emmanuel Detournay (University of Minnesota, US National Academy of Engineering) has been awarded the 2020 EPFL Distinguished Lecture in Geomechanics for his significant contributions to the fields of hydraulic fracturing, drilling dynamics, and poroelasticity. The lecture, which is open to the public, will be held on January 20th, 2020 in Villars-sur-Ollon and is entitled: The Role of Scaling in Geomechanics.

Early bird registrations are now open until November 8th, 2019.

More information on the program, venue and registration can be found on the dedicated webpage (https://gete-school.epfl.ch)

CNRIG2019 tra 4 giorni – sommari delle keynote lectures e programma


Carissimi Ricercatori,
CNRIG2019 La Ricerca Geotecnica per la Protezione e lo Sviluppo del Territorio” – inizia il prossimo mercoledì, 3 luglio, presso il Polo Territoriale di Lecco del Politecnico di Milano.

Sul sito del convegno, alla pagina http://cnrig2019.polimi.it/programma-keynote, sono disponibili i sommari estesi delle keynote lectures.

Programma completo: CNRIG2019_programma_def

Sito web: http://cnrig2019.polimi.it

Vi aspettiamo a Lecco!

CNRIG2019 – programma completo


Carissimi Ricercatori,
pubblichiamo il programma completo del CNRIG2019 La Ricerca Geotecnica per la Protezione e lo Sviluppo del Territorio” – che si terrà dal 3 al 5 Luglio 2019 presso il Polo Territoriale di Lecco del Politecnico di Milano.

Programma: CNRIG2019_programma_def

Sito web: http://cnrig2019.polimi.it

CNRIG2019 – programma e registrazione


Carissimi Ricercatori,
pubblichiamo il programma del CNRIG2019 La Ricerca Geotecnica per la Protezione e lo Sviluppo del Territorio” – che si terrà dal 3 al 5 Luglio 2019 presso il Polo Territoriale di Lecco del Politecnico di Milano.

Vi ricordiamo che è possibile registrarsi entro il 15 giugno 2019 attraverso l’apposita pagina del sito del convegno, all’indirizzo http://cnrig2019.polimi.it/istruzioni-per-la-registrazione .

Programma: CNRIG2019_programma_def

Sito web: http://cnrig2019.polimi.it


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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