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12th LARAM WORKSHOP “Landslide Monitoring for Risk Mitigation”: Salerno, 18 September 2024

The 12th LARAM Workshop 2024Landslide Monitoring for Risk Mitigation” will be held on September 18th, from 9.00 to 18.00, in Salerno at Sala Bottiglieri di Palazzo S. Agostino. More info on this page and on the flyer. The workshop is open online to scholars and professionals not enrolled in the LARAM School via this link to ZOOM

LARAM School “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation”: Salerno, september 4 – 15, 2023

The LARAM School 2023 will be held from Monday 4 to Friday 15 September 2023, in person @ Salerno city centre (Palazzo della Provincia). The deadline  for the application is May 15, 2023. More info on this page.

LARAM School “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation”: 5 – 16 Settembre 2022

Dal 5 al 16 Settembre 2022, a Salerno, in modalità ibrida (presenza/online) si svolgerà  la scuola internazionale “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation (LARAM School). La Scuola è rivolta a 40 dottorandi selezionati ogni anno tra coloro che operano nel campo dell’ingegneria civile, dell’ingegneria ambientale, dell’engineering geology o con una formazione ingegneristica simile, e fino ad un massimo di 10 giovani dottori di ricerca.  La scadenza per la domanda/registrazione è lunedì 30 maggio 2022. Maggioni informazioni e modalità di iscrizione in questo sito, in questo messaggio e in questo flyer.






The 8th edition of the International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazard Mitigation (DFHM8) is jointly organized by Politecnico di Torino and the University of Turin, and will be held in turin on June 26-29, 2023. Contributions to the Conference will be in the form of an Extended Abstract (2 to 4 pages). The Conference programme will include selected oral communications and poster presentations. Deadline for the Extended Abstract submission: June 30, 2022. More info on this flyer and at this page.

XVI LARAM School “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation”: 6 – 17 Settembre 2021

XVI LARAM School “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation”
6 – 17 Settembre 2021, Università di Salerno
On-line Course, 6 ore di lezione giornaliere, a partire dalle 10:00 CET

LARAM è una scuola internazionale su “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation” fondata dall’Università degli Studi di Salerno nel 2005. Il Comitato Scientifico 2018-2021 è composto da esperti internazionali nel campo del Rischio da Frana provenienti da 15 diversi Paesi. La Scuola è rivolta a 40 dottorandi selezionati ogni anno tra coloro che operano nel campo dell’ingegneria civile, dell’ingegneria ambientale, dell’engineering geology o con un background ingegneristico simile. Dal 2006 più di 600 studenti provenienti da più di 200 Università hanno frequentato la LARAM School. 

LARAM è aperta a Dottorandi e a giovani Post-Doc.

La SCADENZA per la domanda/registrazione è lunedì 28 giugno 2021

  • Domanda per dottorandi
  • Registrazione per giovani Post-Doc (Dottorato completato non prima del 2016)

Se ci sono potenziali partecipanti (dottorandi o giovani post-doc) della vostra Università interessati a partecipare a questa edizione, visitate la pagina web LARAM (www.laram.unisa.it).

Se siete a conoscenza di vostri colleghi di altre Università/Dipartimenti che potrebbero avere potenziali partecipanti alla LARAM 2021, vi preghiamo di inoltrare queste informazioni.

Maggiori informazioni alla pagina:

LARAM School 2020 on-line this time (deadline for application 29 June)

Dear All,

Covid19 outbreak is a global threat and, first of all, we hope that you and your families are fine. The LARAM team is fine and we hope to meet students and lecturers again in person as soon as possible.

Also this year the LARAM School (www.laram.unisa.it) will take the occasion to teach and be together with the students. We will simply do in a different way.

We reshaped the traditional schedule of the School, with the lectures and the other activities comprised in the time window from 13:00 to 19:30 in Italian Summer time (=UTC+2).

Dates: 7-18 September 2020

Compared to traditional LARAM School Editions, it will be unchanged:
· the international application call
· the selection among applicants
· final certificate of attendance to the students
· mandatory, interactive participation of the students (to receive the end of the School certificate)

· 40 selected PhD students
· 10 registered Young Doctors (PhD defended not before 2015)

The programme of the School will consist of 5-hour daily lectures and end-of-day test. The programme is structured in the following sessions:
· S1, Introduction to landslides
· S2, Landslide risk theory
· S3, Landslide modelling
· S4, International experiences
· S5, Landslide risk analysis and zoning
· S6, Landslide monitoring and mitigation
· S7, Landslide risk management and risk governance

Deadline for application: Monday 29 June 2020

More information on the LARAM website: http://www.laram.unisa.it/school/2020online/2020online

Best regards,

LARAM Course in Roorkee (India) – February 17-22, 2020 [deadline for applications October 31, 2019]

The LARAM international training course in Roorkee (India) is an initiative jointly conceived by the University of Salerno, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, and the Indian Geotechnical Society. The aim of the initiative is to develop and conduct a training course dealing with landslide risk management, to be delivered by renowned landslide experts of international reputation.

The programme of the School will consist of 8-hour daily lectures and tutorials from Monday to Wednesday, and from Friday to Saturday. On Thursday 20 February, a field trip will be organized. sessions:
S1: Landslide features, inventory and monitoring
S2: Landslide risk theory
S3: Geomechanics of landslides
S4: Landslide zoning
S5: Landslide risk analysis, assessment and management

International Experts
Michele CALVELLO (University of Salerno, ITALY)
Sabatino CUOMO (University of Salerno, ITALY)
Michel JABOYEDOFF (Universtè de Lausanne, SWITZERLAND)
Vikas THAKUR (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NORWAY)
Fawu WANG (Shimane UNiversity, JAPAN)

Indian Experts
R. ANBALAGAN (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, INDIA)
Sivakumar BABU (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, INDIA)
Mahendra SINGH (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, INDIA)
Narendra Kumar SAMADHIYA (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, INDIA)

The LARAM class will be composed by 40 selected participants:
Indian PhD students, young PhD holders and young Professors (10 participants)
non-Indian PhD students, young PhD holders and young Professors (10 participants)
Indian Professionals (20 participants)
The selection of the participants will be based on criteria that are in line with the well-establish selection procedure of the LARAM School. The selected participants will pay their own travel and accommodation expenses, as well as a registration fee.

Deadline for applications: 31/10/19

More information athttp://www.laram.unisa.it/school/2020india/2020india

Sustainable conservation of UNESCO and other heritage sites through proactive geosciences, 10-12 December 2019

The Symposium will be organised during the period of 10 – 12 December 2019 by Embassy of ltaly in Egypt. It will take place in an exclusive cruise on the Nile between Luxor (check-in 9th of December) and Assuan (check-out 13th of December).

The Symposium is mainly addressed (not exclusively) to Conservators and Managers of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and of Monuments and Sites in general, as well as experts of Engineering Geology in general, who will benefit from case studies worldwide. It is organised in sessions covering the innovation and advances in science and technology on geohazards mitigation in heritage sites from all over the world, showing case studies and sharing similar approaches in various climatic and hazardous contexts.

lmportant Dates
Abstract submission: 15 October 2019
Notification of acceptance: 25 October, 2019
Submission of full paper: 30 November, 2019

For further information, please contact: nevinenabil.asrt@gmail.com

Download brochure: Brochure_Unesco_Cairo

LARAM School 2019, Université de Lausanne, 2-13 settembre 2019

Dear Colleagues,
we are pleased to announce that the next edition of LARAM School will be hosted by Prof. Michel Jaboyedoff at University of Lausanne (Switzerland). For logistic constraints, the 2 weeks lessons will be scheduled on 2nd – 13th September 2019.
We are aware that in the period 1st – 6th of September 2019 the ECSMGE 2019 (XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering) will be held in Reykjavik (Iceland), organized by the ISSMGE. We are sorry for this inconvenience that we couldn’t manage in a different way.
We hope that the PhD students potentially interested to apply for participating to the School will be able to arrange properly their schedule.
We send our best regards, and we look forward to meeting you soon.

Leonardo Cascini (LARAM President)
Michele Calvello and Sabatino Cuomo (LARAM Coordinators)

website: www.laram.unisa.it

2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Chania (Greece), 23-26 June 2019 – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS


2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Chania, Crete Island (Greece), 23-26 June 2019.

Call for abstracts. Submission deadline: extended to 10 October 2018.



-Aging Infrastructure and future Earthquakes
-Seismic Design of Foundations
-Ground Failure & Liquefaction
-Seismic Isolation & Energy Dissipation Devices
-Earthquake or Flood induced Landslides
-Landslides Prevention & Mitigation


-Urban Drainage Infrastructure
-Natural & Engineered Defenses
-Storm Surges, Tsunamis and Sea Level Rise
-Strong Winds, Storms, Hurricanes & Cyclones
-Impact of Extreme Weather on Infrastructure
-Drought impacts on Infrastructure Service


-Hazard Prediction, Warning & Management
-Strengthening Tools & Mitigation Strategies
-Remote sensing for natural disasters
-Life-Cycle Management of Infrastructure
-Resilience of infrastructure networks
-Towards Adaptive Infrastructure

Special Sessions & Workshops: organized by experts on a variety of hot topics , they will include theme talks by distinguished lecturers, paper presentations and round-table discussions.

CONTACT: secretary@iconhic.com      www.iconhic.com/2019


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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