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Advanced numerical approaches to the modelling of tunnel excavation and construction – PoliMI 27 ottobre 2023

Il 27 ottobre 2023, alle ore 9:00, presso il Politecnico di Milano  (Aula Rogers, Edificio 11, Architettura Milano, Città Studi, Via Bonardi) si terrà il convegno “Advanced numerical approaches to the modelling of tunnel excavation and construction“. L’evento, interamente in lingua inglese, è organizzato dalla Società Italiana Gallerie (SIG). Maggiori informazioni in questo flyer.

ALERT Workshop (27-29 September 2021) and School (30 September – 2 October 2021)

ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 27th September to 29th September
ALERT Doctoral School 30th September to 2nd October
Aussois, France (or online)

The preliminary programme of the ALERT Doctoral School 2021 (link) in Aussois/online is now available. Be aware that changes can still occur. The programme of the Workshop (link) will follow soon.

Information and the link to the registration script can be found here.

As sanitary conditions are improving, it was decided to propose you two alternatives for your registration to the workshop and doctoral school: either you can come and participate in Aussois, or you can attend those remotely. Don’t worry, your choice can always be modified later on, as the sanitary conditions may change. As a reminder, the restrictions for entering France will depend on your country of departure and your vaccination status.

ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2021 – Call for abstracts

Vi trasmettiamo la call for abstracts per la sessione “Bridging the gap between experiments and modelling: from laboratory testing to material models prediction” dell’Alert Geomaterials Workshop 2021. La sessione è coordinata da Béatrice Baudet, Federica Cotecchia e Cristina Jommi.

La scadenza per l’invio degli abstract (extended deadline) è il 20 giugno 2021.

AllegatoALERT 2021 call_abstracts final

Pagina web del workshop: http://alertgeomaterials.eu/category/workshop/

Post doctoral position at INERIS (Verneuil-en-Halatte, France)


Ineris proposes a post-doctoral position on the understanding and modelling of THMC processes in deep geothermal systems.

The postdoctoral position is offered in the Natural Hazards, Underground structures and storages unit within the Site and Territory Division. The unit activity covers all aspects of risks prevention related to the exploitation and post-exploitation of ground and underground including underground excavations, abandoned mines, salt caverns, deep boreholes, gas underground storage, geothermal systems and rock slopes. The core expertise of the unit is numerical modelling of thermo-hydromechanical and chemical (THMC) coupled processes in geomechanics.

This post-doctoral is expected to begin on 15th March 2021 for 6 months. The application should be submitted in French or in English. It must include a resume (including a list of publications and the names and positions of your former research advisers) and a cover letter. —> Mail to: zady.ouraga@ineris.fr

For more information, please check the document enclosed.

Four post-doc and five PhD positions at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Four post-doc and five PhD positions in soil-structure interaction for tree stability: “Engineering a safer urban forest under extreme storms”

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUTS) is actively recruiting multiple post-doc and PhD positions for studying tree stability problems using geotechnical and structural engineering principles and research methods. We are looking for candidates who are interested in:
(1) Field testing of tree biomechanics and root anchorage;
(2) Centrifuge modelling of soil-root interaction;
(3) Numerical modelling of soil-root interaction;
(4) Wind tunnel modelling of wind-tree-soil-root interaction; and
(5) Analytical tree dynamic modelling for reliability-based analysis.
Different positions require different skill sets; please see attached detailed job advert. For more information: JobAdvert-PhD and JobAdvert-PostDoc

Application:  Interested candidates are invited to send (i) a motivation letter (< 2 pages); (ii) a CV with a full list of publication; (iii) proof of English proficiency (valid IELTS/TOFEL certificates); (iv) names of 2 references; (v) copies of bachelor, master degrees or/and PhD degrees and transcripts; and (vi) abstract of master dissertation (if any) to the project coordinator, Dr Anthony Leung (ceanthony@ust.hk).
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed (remotely) by project members. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. Starting date is September 2021.

Contact: For more information about these positions, please contact the project coordinator: Dr Anthony Leung (ceanthony@ust.hk)

Two Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Geomechanics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in Computational Geomechanics. The positions offer the possibility of working on multiscale multiphysics modelling of fluid-structure-soil interaction in offshore geotechnics. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in Geotechnical Engineering, Computational Mechanics or other relevant disciplines and have the ability to build an independent, externally funded research program at the forefront of their field. Programming experience in C++/Fortran/etc. and numerical modelling experience using FEM/DEM/CFD code(s) are required. The positions are expected to get started as early as possible. Contract duration: 1~2 years (extensions are possible based on the performance of research achievements).

Closing date for applications: You may apply for this position until March 14, 2021 by email to the contacts given below. Interviews of shortlisted candidates will be scheduled with early close of application depending on the number of candidates received.

Contacts: Please submit an up-to-date curriculum vitae C.V. and a letter stating your motivation to apply and your key relevant qualities to Dr Yin-Fu JIN (yinfu.jin@polyu.edu.hk) and Dr. Jie YANG (doc.jie.yang@gmail.com). Information of the research group can be found via: http://geoinvention.com/.


Two Postdoctoral positions at the Hainan institute of Zhejiang University (China)

The Hainan Institute of Zhejiang University invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in Geotechnical Engineering. The Institute seeks applicants in all areas of Geotechnical Engineering with representative examples including but not limited to: offshore geotechnics, numerical and physically modelling of geo-materials. All candidates with advanced experience in experimental (particularly centrifuge modelling), field, computational, or a combination of these geotechnical capabilities will be considered. There are currently two postdoctoral positions at the Hainan institute of Zhejiang University funded by the institute in the year of 2021.

About the Institute: Zhejiang University, one of the top universities in Asia, is one of the earliest institutions of higher education in China. It ranks 53th according to QS World University Rankings 2020.

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in Engineering, Science or other relevant discipline and have the ability to build an independent, externally funded research program at the forefront of their field.

Research topics: The research institute mainly focus on the geotechnical problems in offshore geotechnics, particularly in the areas relating to characterization and modelling of marine sediments (including gas hydrate bearing sediments), offshore foundations, pipeline geotechnics and offshore geo-hazards.

Closing date for applications: 31 Dec 2020

Contacts: Please submit a C.V. including two academic references letters to Dr Yi Hong (yi_hong@zju.edu.cn).

EUROCK2021 – Turin 21 – 25 September 2021

The Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI), on appointment by the ISRM International Society of Rock Mechanics, is delighted to announce that Turin will host EUROCK 2021 – Mechanics and Rock Engineering from theory to practice – from 21 to 25 September 2021.

Due to COVID-19 outbreak and in order to give the chance to attend a new event with interesting and innovative researches, the conference has been rescheduled and will be organized in September 2021, almost one year from the new dates of the 2020 Eurock edition.

The abstract submission deadline has been postponed to 31 October 2020.

Conference websitehttps://eurock2021.com

TUST Special Issue “Building and infrastructure response to ground movement: bridging the gap between geotechnical and structural modelling of SSI”

Carissimi colleghi,
vi segnaliamo che la rivista Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology ospiterà un numero speciale dal titolo “Building and infrastructure response to ground movement: bridging the gap between geotechnical and structural modelling of SSI“, a cui molti di voi potrebbero essere interessati.

Maggiori informazioni possono essere reperite al seguente indirizzo:

Le date principali sono le seguenti:
· scadenza per l’invio dei sommari (massimo 400 parole) – 15 Settembre 2020
· scadenza per l’invio degli articoli – 15 Dicembre 2020
· comunicazione della decisione finale – 15 Maggio 2021
· data presunta di pubblicazione del numero speciale – 15 Agosto 2021

Sperando in una vostra numerosa partecipazione, vi salutiamo cordialmente
Daniela Boldini, Andrea Franza e Giulia Viggiani
Guest Editors of the TUST Special Issue

PhD and Postdoc positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

The Geotechnics research group in Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, is looking for PhD students and  Postdoctoral Researchers in Infrastructure Geotechnics (max. two positions each). The applicants are expected to be passionate about introducing/developing the state-of-the-art of modelling and testing of coupled processes (thermo-hydro-mechanical) into geotechnical engineering. The current research projects in infrastructure geotechnics include application of deep mixing under road and railway embankments and bottom support of excavations, as well as modelling natural and man-made slopes etc. These are problems where the coupling of mechanical, hydraulic and thermal response, as well as soil-structure interaction, is important. The applicants are expected to engage with industry, to create innovative solutions for major stakeholders. In parallel with research,  the applicants are expected to contribute to teaching at undergraduate or Masters level (typically max. 10%-20% of their time), with focus on Geotechnical Engineering. The positions are temporary research positions (4-5 years for PhD, 2 years for Postdoc), fully funded by external research projects.

More information on the positions and how to apply:
PhD student positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics:
Postdoc positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics:


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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