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Delft University of Technology is seeking candidates for a new Assistant or Associate Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics with a focus on new physical modelling strategies to better assess and design geotechnical structures and infrastructure subjected to increasing anthropogenic and environmental loadings, and to study the impact of soil-fluid-structure interaction processes. More info on this flyer.


PhD Position in Experimental Soil Mechanics at Delft University of Technology (scadenza 17 ottobre)

Project motivation
Soft highly organic soils are widespread in the foundation layers of the built environment all over the world. They contain organic matter, roots and fibres, which improve their mechanical response. However, these soils are extremely vulnerable to climate-related hazards. Increasing climatic stresses, such as heat waves, drought, and more frequent intense precipitation accelerate the degradation of organic soils, by increasing their drying and shrinkage rate above the water table and their decomposition rate under water, with gas generation and exsolution. Both these mechanisms, drying and gas exsolution, ultimately contribute to significant land subsidence and reduction in available resistance. Quantifying the geotechnical engineering consequences of seasonally varying loads, including drying-wetting, temperature cycles and degradation, on organic soils is extremely challenging due to the complexity of a proper description of multi-physics gas-liquid-solid interaction. The project aims at deepening the understanding and the modelling of these coupled processes, to mitigate the climate-related hazard in natural soils and to assist in the design of durable innovative green solutions.

Job description
The twofold aim of the PhD project is:
– To experimentally investigate the coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of organic soils subjected to cycles of environmental (e.g. drying and wetting, temperature) and mechanical loads. Soft soils reinforced with natural and artificial organic fibres will be tested, to quantify the role played by fibres, gas and fabric on their mechanical behaviour.
– To enhance existing constitutive models in order to include the effects of environmental factors such as drying-wetting cycles, temperature cycles and degradation in the prediction of their geotechnical properties.
The PhD candidate will benefit from advanced experimental laboratory facilities including unsaturated triaxial apparatus, biaxial plane strain apparatus, large-scale testing facility, geotechnical centrifuge and imaging facilities already available in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft and partner institutions, and the support of experienced technical staff.

More information in the attached document: PhD_position_TU_Delft_TUD01486

The closing date for the applications is 17 October 2021.

Seminario telematico – Dr. S. Guglielmi – 22 luglio 2021 (Politecnico di Bari)


Il prossimo giovedì 22 luglio, dalle 15:30 alle 16:30, la Dr. Simona Guglielmi, assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università di Napoli “Federico II”, terrà un seminario telematico dal titolo: “Microstructural changes underlying the compression behaviour of clays of different sensitivity.

L’evento è organizzato dal gruppo di ricerca di Geotecnica del DICATECh, Politecnico di Bari, e si terrà sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

Non è necessario registrarsi, per partecipare è sufficiente cliccare sul link riportato in basso nella locandina: Guglielmi_2021_webinar

Seminario telematico – Dr. F. Sollecito – 9 luglio 2021 (Politecnico di Bari)

Il prossimo venerdì 9 luglio, dalle 15:30 alle 16:30, la Dr. Francesca Sollecito, assegnista di ricerca presso il Politecnico di Bari, terrà un seminario telematico dal titolo: “A multiscale approach for the characterization of bio-chemo-mechanical processes in contaminated marine sediments“.

L’evento è organizzato dal gruppo di ricerca di Geotecnica del DICATECh, Politecnico di Bari, e si terrà sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

Non è necessario registrarsi, per partecipare è sufficiente cliccare sul link riportato in basso nella locandina: Webinar_Sollecito_2021

Assistant professor position in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Texas (USA)

The University of Texas at Austin (USA), Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (CAEE) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Geotechnical Engineering. The Department seeks applicants in all areas of engineering relevant to the field of Geotechnical Engineering with representative examples including: In-situ soil and rock characterization, geotechnics of natural hazards, urban geotechnics, spatial geotechnical variability, deformation-based geotechnical analyses, underground development, energy geotechnics, and rock engineering for urban infrastructure. All candidates with advanced experience in experimental, field, computational, or a combination of these geotechnical capabilities will be considered.

Review of applications will begin on 15 November 2020 and continue until the position is filled.

See attached file for details.

Borsa di dottorato presso University of Strathclyde, Glasgow – UK

Title: Micromechanics of cracking of clay subjected to air drying and/or gas breakthrough
Duration: 3 years
Start date: from 01/10/2020 to 31/12/2020
Stipend: £1270/month
Eligibility: Applications from UK/EU applicants only, First Class Honours (or equivalent)
Where: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Supervisors: Dr Matteo Pedrotti (https://www.strath.ac.uk/staff/pedrottimatteomr/) and Professor Alessandro Tarantino (https://www.strath.ac.uk/staff/tarantinoalessandroprof/)
Contact: matteo.pedrotti@strath.ac.uk

Project summary
This 3-year PhD at the University of Strathclyde will focus on investigating the mechanisms at the micro/particle scale underpinning the process of crack formation in clay associated with air drying and/or exposure of the clay interface to gas at high pressure.
The research will mainly be experimentally-based and the PhD candidate will make use of state of the art technologies for the investigation of the clay microstructure including X-Ray Computed Tomography, Environmental Scanning Microscopy, and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry.
Despite 100 years of research on the macro-mechanical behaviour of clay, we are still largely ignoring underlying mechanisms at the particle scale. Clay micromechanics involves the understanding of the configuration of elements (particles) and the forces controlling the kinematics of such elements. Clay micromechanics (including the evolution of particle configuration in clays when subjected to mechanical loading) has rarely been investigated explicitly and is a young and rapidly growing discipline in the field of soil mechanics.
Besides joining a vibrant geotechnical community at Strathclyde, the candidate will join the International Research Centre For Clay Micromechanics (https://www.irccm.net ) which will provide the opportunity for international collaborations and to spend a period abroad in one of the partner universities (i.e. Chalmers University of Technology – Sweden, University of Twente – The Netherlands, Université Grenoble Alpes – France, University of Brasilia – Brazil, Politecnico di Bari – Italy, Technical University of Denmark – Denmark) .
Industrial contacts will be mainly focused, but not only, towards the Carbon Storage and Sequestration sector.

2 experimentalist positions at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France)

Two new experimentalist positions are available in the Geomechanics and Porous Media research group at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Basque Coast Campus, Anglet, France:

Research Engineer Assistant in experimental porous media. Starting date: September 1st, 2020 (16 months). Details may be found at:

Research Engineer in experimental porous media. Starting date: September 1st, 2020 (16 months). Details may be found at:

Deadline for applications: June 26, 2020

Assistant/Associate Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics (tenure track) at Delft University of Technology

Applications are invited for an Assistant or Associate Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics at Delft University of Technology (Holland). The position is proposed to improve their understanding of the fundamental mechanical behaviour of soils undergoing ageing and cyclic environmental loads, and to provide new solutions to the present and future challenges of the built environment. The focus is on developing new experimental techniques and strategies to better understand and tune the response of soils to increasingly high (time-dependent and dynamic) loadings. Emerging sensor and imaging technologies offer the opportunity to develop a new generation of experimental techniques for soil testing in the laboratory and in the field.

The closing date for applications is 15 March 2020.

More information in the attachment:
Advert_for_Assistant_Associate_Professor_of_Experimental_Soil _Mechanics

Two positions of Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology

1) Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor of Geo-Monitoring and Data Analytics (tenure track). The position is proposed to develop advanced knowledge of the response of geostructures from data analytics, and improve current life-cycle design and assessment models. This requires an understanding of how climate change and increasing demographic pressure impact the life cycle of critical geostructures, and of how to extract relevant geotechnical information from multi-year and multiscale data streams.
The closing date for applications is 7 October 2019.
More information in the attachment: Assistant-Professor-of-Geo-Monitoring-and-Data-Analytics

2) Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Uncertainty (tenure track). The position is proposed to investigate soil mechanical material behaviour accounting for uncertainties relating to, for example, measurements, statistics, transformation from measured to derived properties, and external (including environmental) loadings. It takes into consideration the random, spatial and systematic components of uncertainty, as well as uncertainties relating to the cross-correlations of material properties and multi-physical couplings, and develops new solutions to better control and reduce the geotechnical uncertainty and risk in geotechnical assessments and construction processes.
The closing date for applications is 7 October 2019.
More information in the attachment: Assistant-Professor-of-Geotechnical-Uncertainty

Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics for Sustainability at Delft University of Technology

Applications are invited for a Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics for Sustainability. The position is proposed to improve our understanding of the fundamental mechanical behaviour of soils undergoing ageing and cyclic environmental loads, and to provide new solutions to the present and future challenges of the built environment. The focus is on developing new experimental techniques and strategies to better understand and tune the response of soils to increasingly high (time-dependent and dynamic) loadings.

The closing date for applications is 1 September 2019

More information in the attachment: Professor-of-Experimental-Soil-Mechanics-for-Sustainability


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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