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NUMGE2023 – London, 26-28 June 2023

Dal 26 al 28 giugno 2023 presso l’Imperial College di Londra si svolgerà la X edizione della European Conference onNumerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering“.  La scadenza per la sottomissione degli abstract è stata prorogata al 31 agosto 2022. Maggiori informazioni in questo flyer e nel sito dedicato.

European Conference on ‘Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering’ (NUMGE2023)- London, 26-28 June 2023

Dal 26 al 28 giugno 2023 presso l’Imperial College di Londra si svolgerà la X edizione della European Conference onNumerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering“.  La scadenza per la sottomissione degli abstract è fissata per il 15 luglio 2022. Maggiori informazioni nel sito dedicato.

Invited Lectures Series for the MSc in Soil Mechanics at Imperial College London – Dr Michael Bardanis – 23rd June 2021

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the talk on “Experiences from the long-term measurement of soil suction in the field” by Dr Michael Bardanis on Wednesday 23rd June 2021, at 4pm London time.

The talk is organised as part of our Invited Lectures Series for the MSc in Soil Mechanics at Imperial College London and it is open to Engineers, Academics, Researchers and Students at all levels.

To attend the Lecture please follow the link below (no prior registration is required):

  • link [updated due to technical issues]

Feel free to pass on this invitation to any interested parties.

Katerina Tsiampousi (MSc Soil Mechanics Course Director)

Researcher position – Geotechnics- Imperial College London

Applications are invited for a full-time researcher based in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London to work on the development of in-situ sensors in soil for 18 months, with the possibility of extension. The successful applicant will join the Geotechnics research group as a member of research staff and will conduct research on an UKRI/NSF funded project entitled “Sits NSF-UKRUL Rapid deployment of multi-functional modular sensing systems in the soil”.
The work will be conducted under the supervision of Professor Catherine O’Sullivan, in collaboration with Prof. Daniele Dini and Dr Tom Reddyhof (Department of Mechanical Engineering) and Prof. Andrew Holmes (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering).  The project is a collaboration with researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, US.  This project therefore presents a good opportunity to develop skills in cross-disciplinary working with a highly international team, comprising academic staff, research staff and PhD students.  We are particularly interested in applicants with experience in either laboratory geophysics, including bender elements, or with experience of running DEM simulations.  Please contact Catherine O’Sullivan (cath.osullivan@imperial.ac.uk) or refer to the official advertisement:
Closing Date: 26/04/2020

Research positions at Imperial College (UK), EPFL (Zwitzerland), Newcastle University (UK)

Applications are invited for a one year full-time researcher based in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London in the area of discrete element modelling and computational fluid dynamics. The successful applicant will join the Geotechnics research group as a member of research staff and will conduct research on an EPSRC funded project entitled “Particle-scale investigation of seepage induced geotechnical instability”. The work will be conducted under the supervision of Professor Catherine O’Sullivan.
The start date for this research post is July 1 2019.
More information at: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/description/ENG00849/research-assistantassociate/

Postdoctoral position in Energy Geostructures field, Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS), EPF Lausanne.
The position, funded by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), aims at providing fundamental information on the mechanisms governing the cyclic thermo-mechanical behaviour of energy geostructures by analyzing multiphysical processes occurring within the soil, soil-structure interface and along energy geostructures through an experimental, theoretical, and numerical approach.
The position is now open and will start on August 1st 2019 or upon agreement.
More information in: Postdoc-Position-LMS-EPFL-2

Post of Research Assistant/Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University in the area of computational geotechnics. The successful applicant will carry out high-quality research on infrastructure embankments and the impacts of climate change. This project is part ACHILLES consortium which comprises the Universities of Newcastle, Durham, Loughborough, Southampton, Bath and Leeds and the British Geological Survey.
The closing date for applications is 26th May 2019.
More information at: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BRV878/research-assistant-associate-d174412r2

Two Lecturer/Senior Lecturer positions, Imperial College, London

There are currently two open positions for academic staff at the lecturer/senior lecturer level within the Geotechnics Section of the Department of Civil Engineering at Imperial College, London. The first position has an emphasis on experimental soil mechanics, while the second position is for someone with an expertise in ground investigation and / or engineering geology.

Closing date: 31 January 2019
More information at:

Research Associate position, Imperial College, London

An opportunity has arisen for a Research Associate to work on experimental geotechnical laboratory and field studies carried out in conjunction with the ALPACA Joint Industry Project. The latter is a major research project that is being advanced in association with University of Oxford, funded by EPSRC and Industry. Professor R J Jardine is the Principal Investigator, with Dr Stavroula Kontoe as Co-Investigator. The project is directed towards the cost-effective design of foundations for offshore wind-turbines, especially those for chalk dominated sites. This is a fixed term appointment that will commence from December 2018 or later and extend up to end of February 2020.

Closing date: 28 October 2018
More information at: www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/description/ENG00523/research-associate


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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