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PhD and Postdoc positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

The Geotechnics research group in Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, is looking for PhD students and  Postdoctoral Researchers in Infrastructure Geotechnics (max. two positions each). The applicants are expected to be passionate about introducing/developing the state-of-the-art of modelling and testing of coupled processes (thermo-hydro-mechanical) into geotechnical engineering. The current research projects in infrastructure geotechnics include application of deep mixing under road and railway embankments and bottom support of excavations, as well as modelling natural and man-made slopes etc. These are problems where the coupling of mechanical, hydraulic and thermal response, as well as soil-structure interaction, is important. The applicants are expected to engage with industry, to create innovative solutions for major stakeholders. In parallel with research,  the applicants are expected to contribute to teaching at undergraduate or Masters level (typically max. 10%-20% of their time), with focus on Geotechnical Engineering. The positions are temporary research positions (4-5 years for PhD, 2 years for Postdoc), fully funded by external research projects.

More information on the positions and how to apply:
PhD student positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics:
Postdoc positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics:

Giornata di Studio su Piante e Geotecnica – Università di Parma, 13 marzo 2019

Il 13 marzo p.v., presso l’Università di Parma, si terrà una giornata di studio sul tema “Piante e GeotecnicaPrerogative e limiti dell’impiego della vegetazione nel rinforzo dei terreni”.

La giornata di studio ha l’obiettivo di fare il punto sui possibili impieghi delle tecniche naturalistiche nell’ambito dell’ingegneria geotecnica e di stimolare l’interesse scientifico su una tematica sempre più diffusa nel mondo, ma ad oggi ancora poco praticata in ambito geotoecnico. La giornata coinvolgerà ricercatori sia del settore dell’ingegneria agraria e forestale che dell’ingegneria geotecnica. Dopo un’iniziale introduzione sull’ingegneria naturalistica e sullo stato dell’arte delle tecniche naturalistiche nell’ingegneria geotecnica, il focus degli interventi verterà sul ruolo specifico della vegetazione nell’ambito delle tematiche geotecniche in cui il suo impiego appare più promettente ovvero la stabilità dei pendii naturali ed artificiali in condizioni statiche e sismiche.

Ulteriori informazioni nel pieghevole allegato: Piante e Geotecnica – mar2019


Lecturer / Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor position at University of Auckland – New Zealand

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Auckland invites applications from outstanding candidates for a position in Geotechnical Engineering at the Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor level.

The candidate will be expected to develop a strong research programme, to teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Civil and Environmental Engineering programmes and to participate in the administrative activities of the Department, the Faculty of Engineering and the University.

The selected candidate must:

  • hold a Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering
  • have an excellent academic record as evidenced by a publication record appropriate to the appointment level sought
  • demonstrate experience and expertise in specialised laboratory and/or innovative field-based research.

It is anticipated that the area of research and professional practice may involve geotechnical characterisation of problematic soils, slope engineering, rock and tunnel engineering, geotechnical earthquake engineering, and/or other emerging geotechnical specialties.

More information at: https://engineeroxy.com/announcement,a5196.html


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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